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Ankush Kalsule, Gargi Agnihotri
Sep 146 min read
RBI’s Risk Renaissance: Crafting Resilient Financial Models
For model review, RBI has to ensure that these models are robust and reliable, and they comply with the existing regulatory standards.
Akshat Jain, Aniya Damathia
Feb 145 min read
Breaking Chains: Unravelling RBI's Blanket Ban on AIF Investments
RBI’s move comes at a time when AIFs are gaining steam in India, with the primary source of capital being sourced from regulated entities.
Tarun Thakur, Navya Bassi
Jan 206 min read
RBI Tightens Grip: Analyzing RBI’s New Regulation on AIF Investments
RBI’s new-year gift for regulated entities aims to address the critical issue of the rising evergreening of loans through AIFs.
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